It's an inspiring live demonstration
In my early years as a streetpainting enthusiast I stumbled upon a guy named Ton van het Schip, the electrician. As it turned out I was actually following in his footsteps, all the way up to my hometown at the time Utrecht. He shared many stories with me. One of them was about his magnus opus, a true-size rendering of the original Night Watch in soft pastel chalks, on pavement tiles, right in front of his house. It took him 3 weeks to complete, and 6 months to prepare. This was somewhere in the '90s if I recall correctly. See the two pictures below for an impression.
Not much later I also saw photos of another inspiring pavement art project: a copy of the Sistine Chapel ceiling created at the 10th anniversay of the Youth in Arts Festival in Marin, California. The festival where I 'discovered' pavement art for the first time in 2001. I was immediately ´infected´ which resulted in Chalk Fever. And the rest is history.
celebrating 20 years of Planet Streetpainting
These two inspirations eventually inspired me to a project to mark and celebrate my 20 years in street painting, coming full circle, as well as pay tribute to this amazing and ephemeral art form and my Dutch heritage.
But not only that. We also see it as a live study. A Grand Rehearsal for a larger and longer journey: taking 'our' Night Watch experience to the far corners of the world. Only executed once at every hosted venue, just 6 times in total.
For that we need to become very familiar first with Rembrandt and his 'Nachtwacht'. Up close and personal. And we can only do that by crawling in his skin, picking his brain and relive all the decisions he made while creating his greatest masterpiece. Impossible of course. But nevertheless we are going to embark on this truly unique adventure! I hope you join me on this journey.
peter westerink

Seeing is believing.
Grand Rehearsal in Wilhelmshaven (D)
Every journey starts with a first step. And Wilhelmshaven as host of the International Street Art Festival for over more than a decade, a festival I had the privilage to visit and participate in numerous times over the years, and in various ways, just was the perfect place and partner for the first stage of our artistic journey. And I was happy to hear that the organizers, Michael, Annika and Mirco of Wilhelmshaven Freizeit & Touristik GmbH were as enthusiastic about the project as I was. As a result we have made this event happen together. It took my maestri madonnari, Julie and Ketty, almost two weeks to complete the Night Watch in its original size, a good 15m2, including the prepping of the canvas. Just imagine what 100m2 would require! Needless to say, we learned a lot. And that was certainly one of the reasons for this grand rehearsal.
read on below for more background information
What is it? the vision & destination
Rembrandt Remastered ~ The Night Watch on World Tour is an artistic challenge to create and exhibit the world's largest chalk rendering of a Rembrandt Masterpiece in ephemeral Soft Chalk Pastels on five different continents. This Grand Rehearsal is a first, explorative step towards that destination.
My aim is to temporarily recreate and restore Rembrandt's Night Watch, one of the world's most famous paintings, to it's fullest glory. Not only that. By doing so I am taking the first steps to eventually create the world's largest rendering of this Masterpiece ever.
This time not painted on a vertical canvas, but hand drawn with soft pastels on a horizontal surface. A huge challenge and an amazing work of pavement art of 100m2, which is more than six times the current size of the Night Watch, and five times larger than the original piece of 1642.
As you may know, The Night Watch as it is presented currently in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam is missing some parts (left, right, top; current size: 437x363 cm (15.86m2). However the original size is believed to be: 500x387cm (19.35m2). Research has indicated this.
See also: K.H. de Haas (1928) Een meetkundige reconstructie van het oorspronkelijke formaat van Rembrandts Nachtwacht, p. 14 ("a geometrical reconstruction of the original dimensions of Rembrandt's Night Watch").
We will be 'restoring' those pieces to present the complete original version to a live audience, both offline and online. The entire 'paint' process will take approx. between 7 - 14 days, depending on the team size and canvas size. After which we imagine adding some time to exhibit the finished piece. Duration depending on the venue conditions and partnership agreements.
I haven't found any evidence so far that in the past such a large-scaled attempt in chalk/soft pastels has been made with one of Rembrandt's masterpieces, or any other Old Master for that matter, since the impressive artworks of other fellow pavement artists:
- *1991 - Grazie di Curtatone, I Madonnari festival, pope visit, Italy
- *2003 - San Rafael Youth in Arts Festival, 10 year anniversary, USA
- *2007 - Monterrey Bella Via Festival eyecatcher, Mexico
- *2008 - New york, Guinnes World Record, Last Supper rendering, USA
See images below.
Note: 'The only full-sized replica of the Nightwatch in the Western world is displayed by the Canajoharie Library & Art Gallery, in Canajoharie, New York, donated to the library in the early 20th century by the library's founder, Bartlett Arkell.' Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Night_Watch (see under Other Representations). See also The Rijksmuseum, 'Jouw Nachtwacht Project'.
The incentive for this awesome one-time (indoor) event is as much to push our artistic limits as to inspire others. To do something challenging, unique and high-quality, for a worldwide audience, both offline and online, while paying homage to Rembrandt and the Dutch Old Masters. Also, and as important, it will be the first time that this Masterpiece can be admired outside the walls of the Rijksmuseum, AND people can witness the entire (re)creation of it, start to finish.
The Night Watch, as mentioned, is a permanent resident of the Rijksmuseum, so to see it live one needs to travel to Amsterdam. This is perhaps the main reason why I would love to bring this event to you, taking the Night Watch on a unique tour around the world: so that people from all walks of life and from all corners of the world can experience the magic of the Night Watch in a unique setting, up close and personal.
I hope for this unique and challenging project to happen in the foreseeable future. Exact dates and location have not yet been determined, that will depend on partnerships, venue availability and suitability etc.
I am currently looking for partners to support the idea and make this project happen together with me and my current contributing partners.
Grazie 1991 San Rafael 2003 Monterrey 2007 New York 2008 WHVN 2023
Last judgement Sistine Chapel replica Sistine Chapel replica #2 Last Supper Night Watch
Meet Streetpeter & the Wilhelmshaven team

Peter Westerink NL
Initator, Producer / Curator and Team Captain

Julie Purcell USA
Lead Artist
Representing North-America

Ketty Grossi ITA
Lead Artists
Representing Europe

Michael Diers
Projektinitiator & Geschäftsführer
Wilhelmshaven Touristik & Freizeit GmbH

Annika Bischof
Projektleitung StreetArt Festival
Wilhelmshaven Touristik & Freizeit GmbH

Mirco Wenzel
Abteilungsleiter Veranstaltungen
Wilhelmshaven Touristik & Freizeit GmbH